
The bureau is responsible for the development, improvement, management and conservation of the country’s fisheries and aquatic resources.


Service Pledge

We commit to:

F urther provide  quality administrative and technical assistance to clients and stakeholders specifically aimed at increasing of resource productivity, improving resource use effeciency, and ensuring the long term sustainability of country’s fishery and aquatic resources;

I mprove our frontline services to meet the clientele and stakeholders’ increasing demand for fast and effecient service, transparency and accountability;

I â€“ ndividually strive to nurture an efficient, enthusiastic and competent workforce with appropriate technologies and competencies for better service to our clientele;

E â€“ nlighten the public with 24/7 access to the BFAR website ( and;

S â€“ implify procedures to speed up frontline transactions within the BFAR premises.

  Content Reference: Central Office Website